Monday, March 7, 2011

Gas prices---AHHH!

So as the gas prices are going up yet again...i came across this interesting article from yahoo.

Gas Saving Tips that Don't Work

Basically it talks about all the myths people say help with fuel efficiency like turning off the AC, fill up your gas tank when its cold outside, additives, tire pressure, etc.

I would like to point out the BOTTOM LINE in this article:

"In the end, best fuel economy comes from a calm and safe driver, something that's a good thing regardless of the price we pay at the pump."

Also known as - - - ME! I consider myself very calm and safe driver and like to think I get excellent gas milage even with my SUV. So just remember this article next time you are in the car. Reviving up your engine when you release the break and step on the gas pedal at a light will only cost you more money (and possibly a ticket if you are a speeder) and honestly you are not going to get there any faster! :)

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